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Scioto River Bridge (PIC-22-16.96)

Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) evaluated the challenges associated with rehabilitating the 700-foot long Pickaway County State Route 22-1703 structure over the Scioto River. ODOT determined that a design-build contract, which included an accelerated time schedule and a substantial incentive, was the best solution to address the concerns expressed by the traveling public. The existing riveted steel girders were replaced and the proposed structure was widened by ten feet. The hammerhead portions of the existing T-type piers were removed and the substructure was widened to the south as necessary to support the new superstructure. The Ruhlin Construction Company, along with E.L. Robinson Engineering, developed a steel superstructure and a steel pier cap design and was awarded the project contract. The bid price was $2,700,000, which was $500,000 below the next lowest bidder and $2,300,000 below the Engineer’s estimate.

The project was a successful example of how fast-track design build contracting methods can be combined with innovative products and materials to dramatically reduce closure times for bridges that are under reconstruction. The bridge was reopened to traffic 10 days earlier than required. A traditional 18-month project was completed in 47 days. This is an Associated General Contractors AON Build Merit Award Project. Some of the special design features for this project included the following: simple span steel girders made continuous for live load, stay-in-place metal forms, prefabricated built-up steel girder pier caps, 18 inch diameter steel pipe piles, and semi-integral abutments.

Other project highlights include:

1. Eleven miles of roadway work/profile revisions with bridge rehabilitations and interchange reconstruction.

2. Five Project Zones for MOT. Complications around US 22 interchange.

3. US 22 Interchange – Ramp realignments and extensions, median enclosure, mainline profile revision, and retaining wall.

4. Scioto Floodplain Permit

5. Four-lane resurfacing

  • Location: Pickaway County, Ohio
  • Cost: $2,700,000
  • Client: The Ohio Department of Transportation, District 6
  • Services:
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