July 20, 2018WV Route 10 Groundbreaking Ceremony

ELR was honored to participate in the WV Route 10 groundbreaking ceremony. ELR completed the operational improvements design for 70 miles of roadway in Logan, Wyoming and Mercer counties in just 99 days. We are proud to contiue to serve and enrich the lives of the people of West Virginia.
The West Virginia Route 10 Operational Improvement Project involved the preparation of contract plans and related documents for operational improvements to approximately 69 miles of roadway work. The project is located on West Virginia Route 10 between the town of Man in Logan County and United States Route 19 in Kegley in Mercer County. The project was completed for the West Virginia Division of Highways.
The West Virginia Route 10 project included surveying, mapping, shoulder widening, pavement widening, intersection improvements, ADA curb ramps, drainage, curve realignment, truck turn-outs, slide repair, piling walls, bridge rehabilitation and replacement design for 17 bridges, pavement markings, signing, maintenance of traffic and NEPA Evaluation. State-of-the-art surveying techniques were utilized with the Leica Pegasus: Two Mobile Mapping System. This vehicle-mounted mobile scanner acquires data faster and safer while moving at highway speeds.
The Notice to Proceed was dated December 6, 2017 and work began immediately. ELR employees worked through the holidays to ensure the project was completed in a timely fashion. Final plans were prepared for this project in approximately 90 days. A project of this magnitude and in this time frame was once thought to be impossible. Innovative techniques were employed to squeeze the project down to the utmost efficiency. The project was completed on time and under budget. From top to bottom, this was truly a team effort.